August Date Challenge
Take a Hike (Literally!)
Choose a scenic trail, park, or nature preserve, and spend time walking together without distractions. Leave your phones on silent (except maybe for pictures), and take in the beauty around you. Pause at a lookout point or sit by a lake and talk before heading back.
Discussion Questions:
- What’s one place in nature that made you feel close to God?
- If we could take a trip anywhere to explore the outdoors, where would it be?
- How do you think time outside affects your mood and mindset?
- What’s a challenge we’ve overcome together that made us stronger?
- In what ways do you feel like we’re “on a journey” as a couple right now?
- What’s something in our relationship you’d love to grow or strengthen?
Open the toggle below and fill out the form to submit your photo for the August Date Night Challenge! We can’t wait to see where you went.
$125 To Smokin Fins
August PRIZE
Fill out the form below and submit your picture from your date night to be entered to win for the month of August.
Want another chance to win? Post your photo on your Instagram or Facebook Story and tag @missionhillsco and add the hashtag #mhcdatenight.