June Date Challenge

Roll the Dice


Make your entire date night a surprise! Write down six different activities (dinner at a new restaurant, mini-golf, bowling, going to a bookstore, getting dessert first, taking a long drive, etc.) and assign each one a number on a die. Roll the die to determine what you do next, and keep going until you’ve had a full night of fun!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s one of the most spontaneous things you’ve ever done?
  2. Do you prefer planned-out dates or going with the flow? Why?
  3. What’s a random adventure we could take in the next year?
  4. What’s a surprise date you’d love to be taken on?
  5. How do you handle change—do you thrive on it or resist it?
  6. If we could take a last-minute weekend trip somewhere tomorrow, where would we go?


Open the toggle below and fill out the form to submit your photo for the June Date Night Challenge! We can’t wait to see where you went.

$125 To Perry’s


Fill out the form below and submit your picture from your date night to be entered to win for the month of June.

Want another chance to win? Post your photo on your Instagram or Facebook Story and tag @missionhillsco and add the hashtag #mhcdatenight.

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