March Date Challenge

Blast from the Past


Visit a spot that holds a special memory in your relationship—maybe where you first met, had your first date, or a place that means something to both of you. Reminisce about that time, talk about how things have changed, and dream about where you’re headed next.

Do you live in a new town? Find an activity that reminds you of an early memory in your relationship!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you remember most about our first date?
  2. How have we changed as a couple since then?
  3. What’s something small I did in the past that made a big impact on you?
  4. If we could relive one day from our relationship, what would it be and why?
  5. What’s a milestone we haven’t reached yet that you’re excited for?
  6. Where do you see us five years from now?


Open the toggle below and fill out the form to submit your photo for the March Date Night Challenge! We can’t wait to see where you went.

$125 To PF Chang’s


Fill out the form below and submit your picture from your date night to be entered to win for the month of March.

Want another chance to win? Post your photo on your Instagram or Facebook Story and tag @missionhillsco and add the hashtag #mhcdatenight.

Max. file size: 300 MB.
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